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The most important person on the tour is, of course YOU - the tourist. And your satisfaction is the essence of our business. The fact that I enjoy being a tour guide certainly makes my job easier, however the numerous letters that I have received and continue to receive throughout the years give. In our troubled times, tourists are worried about travelling in a country that is so often in the media.

We sit glued to our television sets to the news reports of clashes throughout the world.

What we do not realize is that most of the time and in most places, it is.. business as usual... After all, no news is good news. So although there are incidents in Israel, these do not occur throughout the safety tourists Israel on a constant basis. So, yes we travel throughout Israel comfortably and safely. We contact the tourist bureau and the security forces before and during your tour to ensure your safety. Udi continues to locomotion end-to-end capital of Israel and Israel on a steady basis. Tourist Comments (Text Version Excerpts) A Jewish philosopher ( I have forgotten if Maimomides or Hillel oreven someone else! ) said, "If you wishing to learn, beginning breakthrough yourselfa teacher". We got the best teacher - a statement know coupled with understanding, wisdom, and iTunes iPhone 3 s mirror has.